Thursday, February 16, 2012


#42. Two friends and I went to see Brad Paisley! It was an incredible show and I think I speak for all of us when I say we'd go again in a heartbeat. Scotty McCreery opened, the Band Perry followed, then it was Brad Paisley for over an hour straight. We couldn't have asked for a better show!

#43. I made Pre-Valentine cupcakes for my office. I work out of the office at a different location on Tuesdays, and since Valentine's day fell on a Tuesday, I had to make these a bit early. The bottom half of the cupcakes were pink cake, not sure why it's yellow in the picture. Everyone loved them and they disappeared within 2 hours of me putting them out! I'm thinking St. Patty's Day cupcakes are in order...

#44. I came home to this. My roommate was preparing to fill her boss' office with balloons. She blew up 72 in one night. Holy cow!

#45. Crockpot chicken tacos were on the menu tonight! This is my brand new crockpot and this was the first time I used it. It went well!

#46. Strawberries caught my eye at the grocery store. They are huge and delicious!

#47. I had to leave work early today because I didn't feel well at all. Tums and a 2.5 hour nap seemed to help! (not the most exciting photo, but it's all I had for the day)

1 comment:

  1. Those cupcakes look delicious! I am sure lots of love went into them.
    Hope you feel better.

