Saturday, January 26, 2013

2012 in Photos

This is super late...but here is my 2012 in photos! I couldn't narrow it down to 10 photos/ I ended up with 12.

January: We had a huge snow/ice storm (huge for Washington standards). The ice was as thick as my thumb all over our yard. Was fun while it lasted, but it dis a lot of damage as well. We were without power for 14 hours and lost a lot of trees. 

Another one from January: I got a job! My first career-type job post college. I just hit one year at CCS, time has flown by!

This photo was taken in April, but it sums up January, February, March, and April. This was the first quilt I ever made. I spent several months on it. I gave it to Lauren (and Nick) at her Bridal shower. Her mom knew it was coming, but it was a total surprise to her and Nick. 

June: Lauren and Nick's Wedding! I was able to take a few days off this week and spend a lot of time with Lauren and her family leading up to the wedding. As you can see, she made a stunning bride!

July: London Olympics, 2012. I had a big opening ceremony party and made this cake for it. 

August: I had a great summer and spent loads of time outside with my friends. Here we are in Leavenworth, we went floating down the river in inner tubes. 

August: I said goodbye to my car of almost 5 years (left) and got a new car (right). I love the new car! (and that's my 18 year old kitty sauntering through the front of the photo)

August/September: I went back to Ireland for 10 days this summer! Anna (left) Jannelle (taking the photo), and her beautiful baby girl, Willow (right) went out for lunch right before I headed home. 

September: I was talked into doing Tough Mudder with some of my friends. It was tiring, dirty, cold, and painful. While I do have some funny memories from the day, I don't recommend that anyone try this. I was in pain for weeks afterward. 

October: My friend Sarah and I have known each other for about 16 years. I flew down to LA (where she lives) and she treated me to a Carrie Underwood concert that happened to fall on my birthday. We got to stay at the Ritz Carlton in Marina Del Ray (pictured behind us) and we had a blast. Thanks for an unforgettable birthday!

November: Lauren and I went to see Wicked at the Paramount. I've never been to a musical before...I loved it!

December: My first Christmas in my own place. I had fun decorating my apartment and my very own little tree.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Happy New Year! We're just about to watch the fireworks on the Space Needle. 

Thank you to all of you who read my blog and commented on all of my photos! It was a fun and challenging adventure to capture a moment from each of my days this year. I have decided to take a break this year and stop doing "Photo of the Day." Maybe I'll try it again next year.

Stay tuned for the second edition of my "Top 10" of the year...